Версія для друку

Міжнародний інститут бізнесу - за прозорі вибори згідно з міжнародними стандартами та мирне волевиявлення українського народу!

Головна/Новини МІБ/Міжнародний інститут бізнесу - за прозорі вибори згідно з міжнародними стандартами та мирне волевиявлення українського народу!



Міжнародний інститут бізнесу як член Європейської бізнес-асоціації підтримує офіційну позицію ЄБА щодо ситуації з виборами Президента України.

Читайте текст Декларації Європейської бізнес-асоціації Президенту України, Верховній Раді та Конституційному Суду України...



To the President of Ukraine, The Verkhovna Rada

and the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

Your Excellencies,

In our declaration of 27 October 2004, the Board of European Business

Association (EBA) expressed its hope that the Ukrainian Government, as

guarantor of the Constitution of Ukraine would ensure fair and democratic

presidential elections, in accordance to Ukrainian law and the principles of The

Council of Europe of which Ukraine is member. Today we respectfully repeat this


We support the statement of the Presidency of European Union of 22 of

November 2004. As a business organisation committed to Ukraine, but also

committed to Ukrainian, European and international principles of democracy and

civil rights, principles of paramount importance for fostering a favourable

investment climate in the country, we are deeply concerned about the

irregularities during the presidential elections in Ukraine, as reported in the

conclusions of the OSCE/ODIHR International Election Observation Mission


As a business organisation we do not support any political party or candidate. We

only support the respect of democratic principles and civil rights in Ukraine. For

these reasons, we respectfully solicit your Excellencies to review together with

OSCE/ODIHR the electoral process and results, and to request the Ukrainian

authorities, including the law enforcement bodies, to show restraint and all sides

to express themselves only in a non-violent manner.

We have trust in you as guarantors of the Ukrainian Constitution and of the will of

the Ukrainian electorate, and also your commitment to democracy and civil rights.

The Board of EBA