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The first Forum of CIPR-community

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On March 28, 2012

at the Hotel-boutique Rivera will be held the

first Forum of CIPR-community in Ukraine

The main subject of the First Forum of CIPR-community in Ukraine:

"The Role of Public Relations in Democracies in Crisis - More than Crisis Management?"

Recently the economic and political problems became a standard practice in European and other democratic countries. This fact reproduces the crisis situations for governments, companies, top-management and companies’ employers. Ukraine that suffered heavily from the financial crisis because of its integration to the world economy and now tries to reinforce the own obligations regarding implementation of democratic principles and practice, is not an exclusion. Current environment becomes more and more unforeseen and fast-changing, therefore the application of the instruments of crisis management, which is one of the directions of Public Relations industry, would permit to manage difficult crisis situations, to minimize the vulnerability of a company and to keep the control over the situation.

Nevertheless, is the main role of Public Relations in democratic counties in current situation limited by crisis management only? What role can and should play PR in democratic countries that suffered from pressure of economic and political problems?

Ms Sue Wolstenholme, FCIPR, Chartered Practitioner CIPR, Executive Director of Ashley PR agency, well-known professional in the area of communications in Great Britain and abroad, will be the honorable guest of the Forum of CIPR-community in Ukraine. She will share her ideas, thoughts and experience in the area of crisis management, approaches to problems and tasks solution with the participants. Recognizing the merits and achievement of Ms Wolstenholme, she has been elected as President of the

Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR). She will start to fulfill her duties as President of CIPR in 2013.

We kindly invite the representatives of communications industry, the specialists of State and other sectors of economy, as well as the students and graduates of CIPR programs, to attend the Forum, using this possibility to get the most up-to-date information, to become the discussion participant and to receive the answers to many questions.

Forum’s Organizer: International Institute of Business (IIB), the only accredited center of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) in Ukraine. Information about the speaker.

Program of the first Forum of CIPR-Community in Ukraine

9:30-10:00 Registration, coffee, tea

10:00-10:15 Greetings from organizers

10:15-11:15 Presentation by Sue Wolstenholm on topic "The Role of Public Relations in Democracies in Crisis - More than Crisis Management?", moderator Myroslaw Kohut, Academic chair CIPR Programs at the International Institute of Business, Director "Romyr & Associates Ukraine"

11:15-12:00 Discussion

12:00-12:15 Coffee-break

12:15-13:00 CIPR graduates awarding ceremony

We will be glad to see you among the participants of the Forum!

Hasten to be registered. The number of places is limited.

Those who want to participate in the event should resister before March 27, 2012 at web-site and fill in the registration form in the section "Registration"

The system of forward registration implies:

First 10 participants who will register on the event will get 10% discount.

The cost of participation: 1100 hr.

During the Forum the simultaneous translation from English into Russian will be provided.

The following discount system is offered:

  • For IIB students - discount 50%
  • For IIB graduates - discount 25%
  • Special discount of 25% for UAPR members.

Forum’s partner:

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR)

The information partner: