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International Institute of Business took its part in CEEMAN Executive Education Forum: Changing Competition in Executive Education

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On June 26 – 27, the First management education forum, CEEMAN Executive Education Forum: Changing Competition in Executive Education took its place in Moscow; Central and Eastern Europe Management Development Association (CEEMAN) jointly with Russia Association Business Education (RABE) organized it.

More than 50 participants from 18 countries of the world took part in the forum. Alyona Antonenko, IIB Corporate Partnership Development Director and Alena Shevchuk, Head of IIB Marketing Department represented our business school at the forum.

The main trends in business education area were discussed at the forum and trends of MBA programs in particular, peculiarities of Eastern European countries market. Thus, Boris Scherbakov, Vice-President Oracle Corporation, Director General Oracle-CIS, Russia, noted that correlation of business schools in Russia and USA constitutes 1 to 10 and shows us market unsaturation and possibilities for players to take their perspective niche.


"Having communicated with CIS business schools representatives I arrived at conclusion that situations on our markets are similar. Each business school tries to find its niche and to offer something different to market and tries to separate itself from others in such way. Schools face number of challenges because markets are just developing; in the first place, it is a business processes forming in a business school itself. Nevertheless, it was pleasant to hear positive references of our western colleagues, who noted high general level of business schools professionalism in Central and Eastern Europe counties", - tells Alyona Antonenko.

Forum members were united in their opinion that market growth should be not only quantitative but also qualitative, when a business school generates new knowledge that would be in need tomorrow. In connection with this, an important place in education institution activity should be taken by fundamental and applied researches implemented in partnership with business representatives. The speakers repeatedly touched upon issues of business and education cooperation, realization of joint projects and including of business representatives in supervisory boards of business schools that will enable maximum corresponding with modern market demands.

A significant attention was paid to issues of corporative universities creation and role of business schools in this chain. Alyona Antoneko notes: "Unfortunately, the concept of corporative university is often identified with business school concept, the program of which is slightly adapted to specific company needs. In truth, the corporative institute aim is to form unite corporate culture and common view of company operation by its personnel, whereas the business school aim is to assist in developing and adoption of operation principles, both on strategic and functional level. That is why IIB offers multifunctional programs covering all the "problem areas" in the company’s activity. We approach in complex to solving of a company’s problems".

Recurring to definition of several notions essence, the participants noted necessity of clear understanding of what are MBA programs in truth. Education under various MBA programs becomes more and more popular. However, many listeners and employers do not realize benefits of education under the program. Classic MBA is developed strictly for a company’s top management, for whom theoretical knowledge is not so important as ability to make specific executive decisions in market conditions. That is why a segment of reports was committed directly to education process organization.

"It is pleasant to note that not only strategic issues were discussed, but also practical aspects of education programs realization. The report of Olga Udovichenko, Director of Saint-Petersberg State University Higher School of Management, was liked especially; she noted necessity of not only translation but of adaptation of western cases for students, using of practical examples with remoteness not exceeding 1 – 2 years. It is important to use not only positive cases, but also those mirroring non-effective decisions requiring analysis and developing of alternatives.

The report of Madis Habakuk, Rector of Estonian Estonian Business School was interesting; Mr. Habakuk shared his experience of motivation program creation for MBA students. This program enables to increase general level of graduates training who represent part of any business school reputation.

The forum proved to be very fruitful regarding exchange of experience. It became clear after communication with colleagues that we move in right direction. Many interesting ideas were expressed that are possible to be realized or already realized in the scope of our business school", - tells Alyona Shevchuk.