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Project management for Innovative Marketing Ukraine

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From June 6 to 28, the International Institute of Business conducts the corporative program for employees of the Innovative Marketing Ukraine Company on the subject of "Project management".

Ludmila Batenko, the director of the IIB Productivity Centre discloses main stages of project management, design works structure and project risks management methods in the network of the program.

The program participants examine various aspects of project documentation developing in practice, organizational frameworks arrangement, responsibility matrix, project communication plans and other urgent issues of project management.


The project management becomes an effective instrument of business management and studying of academic disciplines related to project management becomes more and more urgent for Ukrainian companies.

The main office of our company is successfully operating more than five years on the Ukrainian market. We know well that our success being an intellectual business depends directly on personnel and its knowledge. So saying in long-term perspective, we understand that success assumes constant developing of our potential and in particular personnel developing as a key resource of the company. We have to take into account other factors including a specific character of our company business: working with final consumer, using of unique technologies, high dynamics.

All these factors determine peculiarities of education system in the company. The education is conducted in accordance with three main basic sectors including studying internal business processes, studying specific technologies and of course studying of the world experience.

Last year we have focused on the maximal and effective usage of the company’s internal potential: reviewing of business processes and experience exchange with using of mastered technologies.

It has become obviously in this year that internal knowledge is used wholeheartedly and we are ready for the world experience adaptation in the network of our company. Our activity is characterized with project nature and than it was ready to adopt a decision to start the program of initial external personnel education with project management training.

"After passing three sessions of training we are sure that this corporative program will initiate our seminal cooperation with the IIB" – tells Solomiya Lozinskaya, the coordinator of Innovative Marketing Ukraine educational projects developing. .


The Innovative Marketing Ukraine company is one of the leading international IT companies on the Ukrainian market. Today, the Innovative Marketing Ukraine corresponds a multi-sector company rendering a wide range of services in the area of information technologies, internet commerce, marketing and advertising. The company has a developed business infrastructure in its disposal with own offices in four countries of the world.