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The regular session of MBA club took place on Saturday 24th of November.

Home/News IIB/The regular session of MBA club took place on Saturday 24th of November.


    On Saturday 24th of November, students of МВА programs and graduates (alumni) of all years attended regular session of MBA club.

    Dr. Alexander Mertens, the President of IIB, has opened the session. In an opening address he had updated MBA club members about the basic changes which have occurred in IIB since the times of last meeting.

    According to the tradition at the beginning of the session introduction of students of Executive and International МВА programs of 2007, who are new members joining the Club, took place.

    Dr. Alexander Mertens has presented the results of survey conducted among MBA Club members and has invited to discussion concerning topics and format of the future meetings. Participants have actively joined in discussion, offering interesting initiatives. In particular, Nikolay Fabro, graduate (alumnus) of ЕМВА’03, the executive director of "South-Contract" company, has suggested entering supporting reports which will be prepared by participants on following sessions. The majority of Club members have supported such initiative.

    After discussion of all general questions there has come time of the "Category Management", main topic of the meeting. Popularity of Category Management as management technology increases and today more and more Ukrainian companies implement it into practice. Irina Ulyanova, managing partner of Advanter Group, has acted with the interactive report. She has shared the secrets of increase of efficiency, by consideration of a commodity category, as independent business-unit, and principles which allow developing more ample opportunities for management of goods.

    The presentation caused a considerable interest and active discussion which was not limited to working session and has continued informally during buffet dinner.