Student’s comments (35)
Irina Oleynikova, Donbass Arena, Director of Finance and Economic department
The programme covers the full range of management topics and the final result is a well-qualified professional manager. The main difference between the EMBA and other university programmes is its practical orientation. Group-work is a valuable experience. It helps me update my existing management competencies, and improve my soft skills. There is an opportunity to apply in practice received knowledge and skills.
Yurii Boyko, Kyiv Star, Head of the Automated Management Systems Department
Studying on the EMBA completely changed me. It enabled me to widen my horizon of thinking, fill in gaps in knowledge, and get new impressions. The EMBA not only taught me the theory of financial management, marketing, and operations management etc, but it also helped me introduce changes in the company and apply knowledge and information to achieve business goals and increase its profitability.
Andrey Gorban, Manufacturing and Trading company "Sense", CEO
I now feel that I can manage any kind of business, because I have the extensive knowledge and skills I needed for further personal development as a manager. The Executive MBA is an opportunity to learn best practice in company management. Acquired knowledge helps me out to anticipate better, and act faster, than my competitors. This programme is for people who are responsible for the future of their companies, for those who seek to ensure sustainable growth of their business under conditions of crisis.
Natalia Plahotniuk, Group of companies "Molva, Financial Director
The programme was extremely useful and I learned how to apply theory in practice and to run a business successfully. I had a chance to systemize my previous knowledge, as well as to learn new skills and knowledge. Working with my fellow students, new, and very interesting people, was a huge plus on this programme.
Nadezhda Vasilieva, Kyiv Star, Head of Division
I express my gratitude to the school for the unique opportunity over the last the last for two years. Studying for the EMBA is enabling me to widen my thinking horizons, fill in the gaps in my knowledge, to enjoy new experiences. Some of greatest learning moments have come when professors shared their personal experience in classes.
I am becoming more confident about my own understanding, ideas and perceptions. I hope that all together I shall be able to contribute to the creation of a modern and competitive economy in a prosperous Ukraine.
Elena Petlyushenko, VVS Ltd., CFO
Two years of EMBA study showed me a clear distinction between other postgraduate degrees programmes and the MBA.
The EMBA provides a complex, systematic approach to business. It improves the understanding of the interaction of business processes within the company and the environment in which company operates. The EMBA was a valuable learning experience and it offered the opportunity to become a ‘manager for tomorrow’.
Natalia Galunko, SportMaster, HR Director
Executive MBA is an opportunity to learn the best practice in company management. I came to the business school to learn how the best models work and how I can apply the best examples within my company so as to achieve better results. The EMBA not only provides the theory of financial management, marketing, and operations management, but also assists me to introduce changes in the company and to apply knowledge and use information. Group-work is a valuable experience. It has helped me expand my management competencies and to improve my soft skills. Upon completion of my study at EMBA, I am convinced that as a qualified manager I will be able to organize, inspire and teach other people.
Юрий Юрьевич, расскажите вкратце о Вашем базовом образовании и карьере
Я занимаю должность финансового директора компании «Три Медведя». Окончил Житомирский инженерно-технологический институт по специальности «Бухучет и аудит». Трудовую деятельность начал в восемнадцать лет с работы охранником в ночном магазине. Путь от охранника до финансового директора национальной компании с годовым оборотом в 200 млн грн прошел за двенадцать лет.
Мой выбор МВА был осознанный и я очень рад тому, что получил возможность систематизировать знания и открыть новые техники развития бизнеса. МВА – это своеобразная интеллектуальная среда, в которой все способствует совершенствованию, а соответственно и повышению эффективности управления. Также это возможность. Возможность принять вызов и открыть еще один путь к успеху в команде профессионалов
Осенью 2004 года произошло знаковое для «Новой почты» событие — мой партнер пошел учиться в МИБ. Здесь начинается осознанное развитие компании. Мы начали подходить к бизнесу более или менее системно. По домашним заданиям МИБа мы выстраивали структуру нашей компании. Через год в МИБ пошел учиться я, и у нас в компании было уже две умные головы.
Дмитрий Ушмаев посоветовал МИБ предпринимателям в своём интервью для Forbes:
«В 2003 году я поступил в Международный институт бизнеса, в 2005-м окончил, получил степень МВА. Это был колоссальный опыт – с этого момента бизнес пошел вгору, мы постоянно внедряли какие-то новшества».
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