Executive MBA
The target audience of executive MBA consists of experienced leaders, who attempt to enlarge the sphere of their business possibilities, including:
- business owners;
- CEO and top-managers.
Program format: 5-day modules, once a month, from Wednesday to Sunday. Each education day lasts from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Program duration: 21 months.
Program language: Ukrainian.
Start Date: 28 of May 2025
As result of study at Executive MBA program, you will acquire:
- Strategic thinking and ability to make the correct decisions, based on the principle “Think globally, act locally”.
- Ability to effectively deal with the challenges of business environment.
- Knowledge of hundreds of nuances and methods for the successful development of the company.
- Professional interaction at the level of business and friendly contacts with the top level management of Ukrainian and foreign companies.
The mission of Executive MBA program is to promote sustainable development of growing businesses through:
- systematic approach to business management, based on the concept of increasing value of a company
- professional and personal development t of senior executives
- integration of the best international management experience into the practice of Ukrainian companies.
EMBA Program Advantages
- Accreditation by АМВА*, the international “gold standard”, confirming the acknowledgement of IIB’s MBA programs on the global market of business education.
- Applied character of the program. Study at EMBA program takes into account the dynamics of national market environment and special features of conducting any business in Ukraine and abroad.
- Key managerial skills. The program consists of the disciplines that provide with all necessary tools for managing business.
- True Executive. EMBA program provides with deep sinking into the contemporary approaches to management of all subdivisions of the company.
- New horizons. The students of program are able to effectively solve the problems of functional management, design the long-term strategy of the company development and derive business to the new level.
- Training in the environment of successful people creates the unique atmosphere for the exchange of experience and professional communication, and for building of business contacts with the classmates and colleagues.
The teaching team of IIB’s EMBA program consists not only of the doctors and candidates of profile sciences, but also of the experts, who have a long-term experience in consulting the largest national and transnational corporations, of the successful leaders…
Read more...Fee
Total cost of the Executive MBA program is 529 000 UAH + 3000$. If the registration fee is paid by January 24, 2025, the price is 485 000 UAH + 3000$. For details, please contact the manager Tetyana: +38 067 679 57…
Read more...Students
Every generation of students has different group profile. Below is the profile of a student of the Executive MBA program in figures on the basis of statistics on IIB students enrolled in 2020: positions occupied, basic education and scope of…
Read more...Admission requirements
Main admission criteria: a higher education degree a minimum of 7 years company work experience on managing position Documents to be submitted: Filled application form Ukrainian citizen passport (copy) and Personal tax reference number Copy of the international passport Copy…
Read more...Contact Us
Customer Service Department (for questions regarding applying for the program): tel. 0445850033 mob. 0675248949 viber: 0675248949 e-mail: sales@iib.com.ua Executive MBA Program Cootdinator (for students and alumni) Zoryna Nikitina, tel. (044) 585-00-33 (ext. 722), zoryna.nikitina@iib.com.ua
Read more...Student’s comments
Мой выбор МВА был осознанный и я очень рад тому, что получил возможность систематизировать знания и открыть новые техники развития бизнеса. МВА – это своеобразная интеллектуальная среда, в которой все способствует совершенствованию, а соответственно и повышению эффективности управления. Также это возможность. Возможность принять вызов и открыть еще один путь к успеху в команде профессионалов
Осенью 2004 года произошло знаковое для «Новой почты» событие — мой партнер пошел учиться в МИБ. Здесь начинается осознанное развитие компании. Мы начали подходить к бизнесу более или менее системно. По домашним заданиям МИБа мы выстраивали структуру нашей компании. Через год в МИБ пошел учиться я, и у нас в компании было уже две умные головы.
Дмитрий Ушмаев посоветовал МИБ предпринимателям в своём интервью для Forbes:
«В 2003 году я поступил в Международный институт бизнеса, в 2005-м окончил, получил степень МВА. Это был колоссальный опыт – с этого момента бизнес пошел вгору, мы постоянно внедряли какие-то новшества».
Irina Oleynikova, Donbass Arena, Director of Finance and Economic department The programme covers the full range of management topics and the final result is a well-qualified professional manager. The main difference between the EMBA and other university programmes is its…
Read more...Content
The Executive MBA program consists of 29 courses for develop competences of the leader, which will make it possible to become a universal manager, able to build a sustainable business model, assemble an effective team and increase the value of…
Read more...News IIB
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Запрошуємо власників бізнесів, керівників, слухачів та випускників МІБ змінити своє ставлення…
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Стратегія, організаційна архітектура та управління змінами на програмах MBA
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Brest-Litovskiy highway, 8a
Kiev, 03179
tel.: 0445850033
mob.: 0675248949