REFA International
The REFA Association is considered to be Germany’s leading organisation in work design, industrial organisation and company development. The association has transferred know-how since its foundation in 1924: for a long time through further education, for the past few years increasingly also through consulting and coaching. With its continuously further developed core competences REFA contributes to optimising the competitiveness of the economy as well as the working conditions of workers and employees.
REFA-Grundausbildung 2.0
this is your fundamental knowledge in industrial engineering
The benefits of REFA program are:
1. A set of tools and methods to make an enterprise efficient and competitive.
Your employees receive methodical training for analyzing, designing and optimizing workplaces and processes when getting training. And you lay the groundwork for the introduction of lean production in your company.
2. Knowledge and skills in the organization of labor and manufacturing management, especially:
- analysis of working systems and processes in terms of existing reserves
- development of optimization proposals
- obtaining actuals regarding time expenditures
- time evaluation for order processing
- professional use of labour rate settings methods for development and building an effective wage system
3. Award
In case of successful passing of proposed exams, students will receive a German Diploma REFA in the Organization and Management of Manufacturing Systems and Processes.
Purpose of the program
To give students the knowledge and skills that will allow them:
- to analyze “bottlenecks” in production systems and develop proposals for their elimination,
- to plan, to design, to structure and to implement a process-oriented labour management,
- to get the actuals of time expenditure and evaluate time for order processing,
- to rate works professionally and differentiate remuneration for work based on the result achieved,
- to use appropriate tools to build an effective wage system.
The REFA program is for:
- production managers and economists of production/service departments,
- heads of production-support departments and logistics specialist,
- managers or specialists in performance standards and wage rate fixing,
- specialists whose responsibility lies in the organization of production systems and processes, the development of performance standards, management of production and production personnel.
What is the format of the REFA program?
REFA training can be conducted in an open and corporate format.
Tuition fee:
Each module is to be payed separately - 17860,00 UAH inclusive of VAT per 1 person.
The fee for exam to get the REFA qualification certificate - 8100,00 UAH inclusive of VAT per 1 person.
Special aspects of the program:
The program is of integrated nature and consists of 4 modules 4 study-days each (Tuesday - Friday). Examinations are held at the end of the second and the fourth modules of the program (duration is 3 hours each).
Program content:
Unit: "Analysis of work systems and processes"
Module 1. Planning a working system REFA. Quality and cost management.
• Successful enterprise and REFA-approaches to the organization of production
• REFA-production system and its elements.
• Soft skills of a specialist - “REFA - labor manager”.
• Process-oriented labor management: the organization of processes and the division of tasks.
• Quality management system. Quality data collection and assessment tools.
• Economical evaluation of production systems: 4 methods of production costs calculation. Process costs calculation.
Module 2. Organization of the working system and processes. Operations rationing.
• Organization of the working system. Planning of the staff workload.
• Workplace organization: anthropometry, working environment, workload and tension.
• Classification of processes in production systems. The standard hours structure.
• Interconnection of processes in working systems. Calculation of the duration and complexity of the work.
• Methods for obtaining time data: conditions of practical application and their comparative characteristics.
• Determining the degree of efficiency. Stopwatch study (methodology and evaluation of results).
Unit: "Data management of production processes"
Module 1. Labor regulation and headcount optimization. Time management of reengineering.
• Timekeeping and calculation of distributed (non-productive) time.
• Flexible work schedules’ formation, taking into account multi-shift work, part-time employment and flexible use of operational time.
• Workers’ workload determination and means of production determination by the method of multi-moment (selective) observations.
• Carrying out timekeeping and calculation of standard hours in the group and multi-machine form of work organization.
• Study of manual operations using the system of set values of time (MTM, Work Factor).
• Identifying of the standard hours of new products: the method of analogues and comparison.
• Using the method of parametric dependence for the labor costs calculation.
• Time for fitting out/reengineering: analysis approaches and minimization of time.
Module 2. Management of production systems. Organization of material flows. Effective wage systems for workers.
• Modern approaches to the management of production systems and material flows: Lean production, TOC, Just in time, Kanban.
• Basis of production logistics.
• Organization and modeling of material flows.
• Definition of qualification requirements for operational staff.
• Improvement groups and Quality Control Circle (QCC) work organization. Staff motivation in carrying out improvements.
• Selection and construction of a wage system.
Наши клиенты
Новая Почта | Алчевский металлургический комбинат | РУШ |
Милкиленд Украина | Дюна-Веста | ММК ІМЕНІ ІЛЛІЧА |
СЕ Борднетце Украина | Ватутинский хлебокомбинат | Волинь-Цемент |
Леони Ваеринг Системс | Керамет | Mafia сеть ресторанов |
Ядзаки Украина Астелит | Лантманнен АКСА | Костал Украина |
Фармак | ПРЕТТЛЬ-КАБЕЛЬ УКРАИНА | Индустриальное общество Донбасса |
Владимир-Волынская птицефабрика | Модерн-21 | Эргопак |
Тайко Электроникс | Черниговская швейная фабрика |
Единые распределительные электрические системы |
Проско-ресурсы | Электроконтакт |
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