Careers Services
Welcome to the page of IIB Career development Center!
Career Development Center of the International Institute of Business was created to support students and graduates in seeking employment, to assist them in their career development and to know what has been happening in their life since leaving our business school.
The main activities of the CDC include
- Maintaining an information system on vacancies available in the employment market, and a database of student and graduate CVs seeking a job. CDC offers support in employability by individual consultations that will support you in maximizing your CV and cover letter impact and will help you empower your job search.
- Development of partnerships with national and international organizations, including employers, and recruiting and HR agencies; cooperation and collaboration with the world of management and the transfer of knowledge. CDC builds relationships with recruiters to foster a connection with IIB-Ukraine students and graduates by advertising vacancies to students and alumni on our website and information desk.
- Organization of thematic events and individual consultations in order to assist students and graduates in successful job search.
We are open for personal, face-to-face support and advice!
We invite employers and recruiting agencies for cooperation. We will assist you in your search of professional specialists. In the institute we always have students, different specialists seeking new employment opportunities. Our students and alumni studied at the best business-school of Ukraine have not only knowledge and skills necessary for fruitful work but also huge potential that can be used for the benefit of your company.
Events and news
CDC together with Alumni Associaton organizes number of events aimed at effective communication among students, alumni abd IIB-Ukraine. MBA club 19 мая состоялось очередное заседание Клуба MBA HR club CDC organizes meeting with HR specialists of national and international compnais,…
Read more...Students and alumni
Career Development Center provides IIB students and alumni the following services: Job Listing The Career Development Centre regularly disseminates information to the IIB-Ukraine students and alumni about job openings in national and international companies. This information is also available at…
Read more...Employers and recruiting agencies
If you are looking for a talented employee – look attentively at our alumni and students! CDC regularly keeps in touch with HR specialists of different companies. Recently CDC has started to work closely with employers who sponsor employees to…
Read more...Bank of vacancies
Ladies and Gentlemen! If your company has a vacancy, and you want to inform the IIB students and graduates about it, kindly send information at We will place your advertisement in our job bank, as well as on the…
Read more...Contact Information
Head of the CDC office – Svetlana Stovbur Phone 38 044 585-00-33 (*101) e-mail:
Read more...News IIB
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Brest-Litovskiy highway, 8a
Kiev, 03179
tel.: 0445850033
mob.: 0675248949