Yuriy Bugai



Cofounder and CEO at StudyDive, Chairmen of the Supervisory Board at Transparency International Ukraine.

Independent Strategy Development and Implementation Advisor.

Professor at the International Institute of Business and the School of Public Management of the Ukrainian Catholic University.

Master’s Degree in Political Economy (BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway), Bachelor’s Honors Degree in Political Science (National University of “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”).

Training courses: Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration


Professional background:

Before setting up his own employee development company StudyDive, Yuriy managed the development and implementation of eHealth in Ukraine and built the team to implement crucial digitalization milestones within the healthcare reform in partnership with the Ukrainian Government and top non-governmental organizations.

The eHealth solution developed by the project office led to the growing number of registered patients of up to 28 million in just 2 years.

In his previous roles, Yuriy was a co-coordinator of an innovative procurement reform in Ukraine called ProZorro, which made a breakthrough in the Ukrainian procurement system. For his involvement in that reform, Yuriy was granted the 1 st prize from the Open Government Partnership.

Over the recent 5 years, Yuriy has implemented more than 20 projects acting as an Independent Strategy Development Advisor for the corporate sector (e.g., retail, pharmacy), government agencies (e.g., Central Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Energy, State Customs Service) and NGOs (e.g., DoZorro, CoST), charity foundations, international organizations (e.g. EBRD, Crown Agents, USAID, GIZ, EDGE, Deloitte).

Quote: Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them

I teach at the IIB business school because I believe in the criticality of shaping the future generations of civil servants, Ukraine would be impossible to do without to transform into a modern state.


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