Two IIB’s students - Alexey Dolgyh, student of the International MBA program, director of Pedersen&Partners Kyiv office, and Alexander Krasnov, International MBA program graduate 2011, managing partner of United Consultants company - both were included into the top list of the best Ukrainian head-hunters according to Forbes publication. September 2012 issue of Forbes magazine has presented 4 best head-hunters of Ukraine in the field of Executive Search. Among "Fab Fours" there were Alexey Dolgyh and Alexander Krasnov, two leaders of Ukrainian head-hunting, who had direct liaison with IIB’s International MBA program. The rating was done according to the results of a survey, made among the top-managers and Ukrainian specialists in head-hunting, and HR directors of largest companies.
Alexander Krasnov is also a member of IIB’s MBA Advisory Board. The purpose of this Board is to develop recommendations on Institute’s and MBA programs development, quality improvement and implementation of innovations into study process.
We congratulate Alexey and Alexander with wonderful results of their work, and we are proud that they are members of big IIB’s family. We wish them further success and enthusiasm in work!