IIB’s Administration expresses many thanks to Svetlana Tourchanska, company "Odesskiy karavay", who is at the same time the graduate of IIB’s UPBA, to Valery Volkov, "Levada" company, to Vladymyr Savchuk and Natalia Pisarenko, IIB’s instructors, for provided possibilities and cooperation, as well as to the students of EMBA group for desire and aspiration in getting new information and knowledge, and extending the network of professional contacts.
PJSC "Odesskiy karavay" is one of the biggest industrial producers of bakery goods in Ukraine. Its productive capacity permits to produce up to 200-220 tons of bread per diem. It includes the bread-baking complex #2 and the bread-baking Kassianov complex # 4, both located in Odessa.
The enterprise has the new modern automated equipment that permitted not only to increase the quality, but also to create the greater variety of products, including those fundamentally new for Ukrainian market. It is important to notify that the enterprise has a special department that monitors the tendencies in the market and develops the new products, as well as the own certified and specially equipped laboratory, highly professional and experienced specialists.
The wide rage of products and a high quality permitted the enterprise to considerably extend the geography of sales. Today "Odesskiy karavay" sales its products not only in Odessa and Odessa region, but also in Nikolaev and Kherson regions, in Crimea.
Levada company
The history of the company started in 1994. Today the products of "Levada" company are made using the specialized high class equipment, developed by European engineers and technologists.
During the years of existence the rage of "Levada" products increased more than in 10 times – pelmeni, vareniki, benderiki, blini, cutlets, chebureki, bakery dough etc. feet every taste.
Every step of the company is strictly regulated, considered and well reasoned. The team of "Levada" specialists does not finish developing the new products, using the modern technologies in production and increasing the quality of products. This special attention to the details makes "Levada" company the leader in Ukrainian market of frozen prepared food.