
International MBA Program justifies its name, implementing the series of new initiatives

Home/News IIB/International MBA Program justifies its name, implementing the series of new initiatives


During the period from 4th to 18th of June 2011 the group of students and instructors of International MBA program visited ALBA Business School (Athens, Greece), in accordance with existing agreement on the teachers and students exchange between IIB-Ukraine and ALBA Business School. The program of visit was especially arranged in a way that the Ukrainian students had the possibility not only to compare the level of education and its relevance, but also to get the new knowledge, attending the courses taught by well known professors. They became the participants of annual "Business Executive breakfast" and attended the international seminar on risk management.


Besides, our students were able to find a free time to visit the marvelous Greek islands, to delight in beautiful Greek views, warm and clean sea water, to taste the wonderful Greek cuisine.

This unique possibility has happened thanks to the joint agreement on partnership between business schools. In return, the Greek students will visit IIB-Ukraine where they will attend the course "Difference in cross- cultural communications" within International MBA Program. This way, by combining pleasure and usefulness, the students of International MBA program enlarge their perspective and get new knowledge, that open them new possibilities in business, career development and communication.