
Participation of the IIB Center of CSR and Business Ethics in an open seminar on "Corporate Responsibility and ISO 26000 Standard."

Home/News IIB/Participation of the IIB Center of CSR and Business Ethics in an open seminar on "Corporate Responsibility and ISO 26000 Standard."


The main issues discussed at the seminar:

  • development history of ISO 26000 Standard,
  • Ukraine’s participation in the work over the standard,
  • specifics and character of the standard,
  • basic principles and issues of corporate responsibility,
  • stages of the promotion of corporate responsibility in accordance to the standard,
  • the impact of ISO 26000 on business society, formation of corporate responsibility program


The seminar was a "communicative platform" to discuss the main statements of the new standard and implementation stages of corporate responsibility principles in the company in accordance to ISO 26000. All seminar participants received a questionnaire on corporate responsibility.