Special features of the program
IMBA program is a unique offer on the market of business education in Ukraine. It is delivered by the International Institute of Business in partnership with the University of New Brunswick (Canada).
Doubtless advantage of the program is not only the high quality of learning process, but also the possibility to obtain two diplomas with Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree of IIB and UNB.
Program duration is 19 months. Teaching format of the course is modular-credit. Students work with the best instructors of IIB and UNB, who have extensive experience in teaching at MBA programs in Ukraine and abroad as well as in managing and consulting practice in commercial firms. Students are provided with all handbooks and additional materials necessary for the process of study.
Target Group
The program is designed for top and middle-level managers who work in international companies and desire to make a successful career in Ukraine or abroad.
Goals and Objectives
International MBA Program is designed to help students to master modern management technologies, to become proficient in all aspects of business in the international environment, to manage effectively the company in a competitive environment and to get skills of cross-cultural communication.
Expected Results
The program combines the international experience and business practice in Ukraine. Graduates receive a powerful arsenal of diagnostic tools for prevention the adverse situations in organizations, which meet international competition and global challenges.
The participants will have the opportunity to get detailed information about the International MBA program, to ask questions and to get answers, to talk informally with other participants and representatives of the IIB.