
Oleksandr Savchenko, Rector of IIB: the most important thing for the success of European integration of the financial sector is the implementation of European standards regulating financial companies working with obtained investor funds.

Home/News IIB/Oleksandr Savchenko, Rector of IIB: the most important thing for the success of European integration of the financial sector is the implementation of European standards regulating financial companies working with obtained investor funds.

Professor Oleksandr Savchenko, Rector of IIB, pointed out the importance of implementing modern regulation standards for Ukrainian financial companies administering the raised funds, especially individual investor funds, during his presentation at the meeting of Working Group "Ukraine-EU on the way toward the extended free trade zone" of the National Convention on European Union "The potential of free trade zone between Ukraine and EU for reinforcement of the banking sector of Ukraine" the 14th of March 2012 at the National Institute of Strategic Researches under the President of Ukraine.

The instruments for regulation improvement may be the normative requirements concerning capital and leverage of the investment companies. Stipulating that in general the banking sector of Ukraine is ready for European integration, Oleksandr Savchenko emphasized that the vital problem was an implementation of international accounting standards into the banking sector, especially concerning accounting of reserves. The International Institute of Business will take part in developing the Working Group’s recommendations for the authorities of Ukraine and EU concerning the State policy to support the integration of Ukrainian banking sector into the common European market.