The major goal of the Center is stimulating institutional forms of CSR and business ethics development in Ukraine via arranging studying, consulting, holding researches, preparation of publications, and methodological recommendations.
- Activity on forming corporate culture in Ukraine according to the ethical values and the CSR highest standards as a part of general business strategy of modern enterprises development via educational programs, trainings and their methodological support.
- Expertise of ethics codes, CSR programs, social projects and reports according to international standards and recommendations of multinational corporate culture; evaluation of social technologies effectiveness.
- Holding problem seminars and trainings adapted to realistic circumstances of running business in Ukraine; methodologies of writing reports as an instrument of managing CSR; stimulating stable development of business organizations.
- Studying and generalization of social initiatives, and supporting them with social investments from Ukrainian businesses; analyses of charity to CSR forms of transition; correspondence of social partnership and cooperation with existing needs of different regions citizens where the company operates; assistance to local communities; comparison of our experience with international practice.
- Consulting managers on different aspects of CSR in labor relations, attracting colleagues to form the society development strategy, philosophy, and general ethics values in organization, active integration of business to the world of social responsibility, mastering regulatory instruments which are used in other countries for CSR principles promotion.
Work Group:
Head of the Center – Abolina T., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Theoretical and Applied Ethics;
1. Derevyanko T., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Management and Business Communication Ethics;
2. Kunderevytch O., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, PR and Advertising Ethics;
3. Maslikova O., Candidate of Philosophy, Economics and Business Ethics;
4. Rogozha М., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Institutional Forms of Social Morality;
5. Chumak A., Candidate of Philosophy, Ethics Codes in the Sphere of Modern Business Ethics.