Morozova Lidia

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Lidia Morozova – Rapeseed Product Manager, NPZ Ukraina.

Lidia is in charge of the rapeseed product, more specifically for pricing, product positioning, online distribution and communications.

Teaching background

  •  Starting 2021 – Professor of Ukrainian MBA Marketing Module at IIB Business School;
  •  Starting 2017 – Professor of Digital Strategy and Digital & Marketing Strategy Modules at Chartered
  • Institute of Marketing (CIM);
  •  Starting 2016 – Professor of Digital Marketing for SME Module at Small and Medium Entrepreneurship School (Vasyl Khmelnytsky Foundation K-Fund).






Professional background

Lidia Morozova launched her career at the Dragon Capital investment company, and in three years’ time was
appointed to the role of Head of Marketing of the industrial company KMZ Industries, one of DC’s assets.

Lidia also was responsible for investor relationship marketing at Mriya Agro Holding. As of 2014 she entered consulting and then teaching profession (The Chartered Institute of Marketing, IIB, SME School).

Her core expertise is marketing for В2В, small and medium business.

“Teaching for me is the creation of favorable environment for students’ systematization and comprehension of
own professional expertise through exchange with other educational process participants"

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